感謝所有線上、線下貴賓的支持! 讓趣買購物能夠入選 2024年蝦皮金選廠商之一!
We are honored to be selected as one of the Shopee Gold Selected Vendors for 2024!
趣買購物未來還是會持續提供所有貴賓~ 優質的商品、最貼心的服務!
In the future, Chu Mai Shopping will continue to provide everyone with quality products and the most attentive service.
若貴賓有任何產品疑問、訂單進度、售後服務! 都歡迎來電 or 加入line客服洽詢!
If you have any questions about our products, order status, or after-sales service, please feel free to call us or join our LINE customer service for inquiries!
【Chu Mai】購物LINE生活圈ID: @bxt4224u
趣買實體門市: 台中市北屯區中清路二段591號(鮮友火鍋旁)
Chu Mai physical store address: No. 591, Section 2, Zhongqing Road, Beitun District, Taichung City
聯 絡 電 話 : 886+4 2299-3839 /886+4 2299-1111
Contact phone numbers: +886 4 2299-3839 / +886 4 2299-1111
趣買購物會努力做好每個小細節!! 謝謝大家的支持!
Thank you to all our partners, including domestic and international brands, manufacturers, and platform channels, for your collaboration. Chu Mai Shopping will strive to take care of every little detail! Thank you all for your support!